Friday, August 7, 2009

On the road again

Today I arrived in France. Picked up the car in Paris and made the drive down to Checy, near Orleans. I'm exhausted, but they say it's best to get right into the local rhythm, so no bedtime for me. Instead I'll get this blog rolling as promised, and tomorrow I'll start painting.I was here last November with my wonderfully light and compact gouache painting kit.
This time I am traveling HEAVY with my new acrylic paint kit that I,ve been taking on test drives this summer, down on the Chesapeake, and at the Disston site. Between the pochade box, the tripod, the box of tubes, the mediums, the larger all adds up to something really unwieldy. I won't be wandering far from the car, that's for sure.

Here is a picture of my new set up. The magnificent interior is the Disston Precision manufactory, where i spent a nice string of Fridays painting before this trip.


  1. We wish you good weather and good views

  2. Hey AK--
    I didn't know you were scheduled to be over there!
    Nice stuff.
    Disston factory---way cool!
    (I'm going to send a separate email in case the
    comment thing doesn't go through--I rarely do "comments"!)
    Have a good paint-fest!
